Stanley CDJR Gilmer

Synthetic Oil Change

Synthetic Oil Change Near You

Synthetic Oil Change Service at Stanley CDJR Gilmer

Without oil in your engine, your vehicle isn’t going anywhere. It’s crucial to stay topped up on oil as, without it, you could seriously damage your engine and cost yourself thousands of dollars in repairs. When you’re around LongviewGilmer, or Tyler, and you want to stay ahead on your maintenance, a visit to the service department at Stanley Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Gilmer can offer you a quick and extensive service that’ll ensure your oil is running up to standard.

Why Does Oil Need to Be Changed?

You might be wondering why it’s so important to change your oil, and the simple reason is that your car really can’t function without it. Your engine gets extremely hot when you’re driving, so the oil helps to take some of that heat away from the vital parts that keep it running. Without the mix of oil and your cooling system, your engine can get so ridiculously hot that it can essentially melt itself. Oil also helps to ensure that your engine is properly lubricated, and when you get it changed, you’re flushing away all the dirt, sludge, and particles that got mixed up with the last batch. Harmful materials can build up in your oil when you’re tacking on miles, which is why it’s vital to get it changed regularly.

Signs That It Might Be Time for an Oil Change

The easiest way to know if it’s time to bring your vehicle in is if your engine light comes on, but you really don’t want to let it get to that point. Most dealerships and mechanics will put a sticker that’ll let you know the mileage and date of the next time you’ll need an oil change, but if you find that you don’t have one, another easy way to know is through your dipstick. By popping your hood and checking the dipstick, you can determine exactly how much oil is left in your vehicle and how urgently you need maintenance. If you feel it might be time to change it, it’s best not to wait so that you don’t accidentally damage your engine.

What Makes Synthetic Oil So Efficient?

Synthetic oil works a little bit differently when compared to conventional motor oil, as since it’s man-made, it’s specifically designed to get the best viscosity retention, stability, and lubrication. It can also go much longer before becoming sludge, so you’ll find that you can go a lot further before you inevitably need your oil changed again. Synthetic oil does cost slightly more than your regular run-of-the-mill oil, but that’s for good reason, as your car will run much longer and with much better gas mileage once it’s flowing through your engine. It can be incredibly convenient to have the extra miles afforded with the synthetic variant, as not having to come in as soon for your next change can allow you more time to budget and help you keep an eye on how low your levels are getting.

You’ll want to take your oil seriously, which is why Stanley CDJR Gilmer offers extensive service that’ll have you back on the road in no time at all. Schedule online or over the phone and view our service and parts specials for added savings.